Councillors have the power!

On Monday the 28th. June our Councillors will decide whether to support or vote against the Budget for the 2021-2022 financial year, which includes a rate rise and sharp increases in parking costs.

Councillors have the power to make as many changes to the draft budget as they like, if the majority of them agree. Many of our current elected Councillors campaigned on putting a stop to rate rises, come along to this meeting to see if they stay true to their word.

Budget Meeting 5.45pm at the Lighthouse Theatre Studio

Residents have to budget for their expenses and living costs from the income they have coming into the household, at times this is difficult for many with just enough money to buy food, and certainly nothing leftover to spend on going to the movies or perhaps out for dinner. It’s time the Council showed some restraint and gave residents a break to help with their financial recovery from the Covid pandemic.