Please contact us

To ensure that all of our online content meets with our social policy, which can be viewed here – SOCIAL POLICY -.  If you would like something added to our website please use the form below so that it may be submitted to the committee for approval. Please note that submissions will only be approved if posted by financial members of WRA inc, posts cannot be accepted from non-members.

If you would like a copy of the minutes of any meetings, please email the secretary, and we will be happy to supply you with them. Please be aware that only financial members of Warrnambool Ratepayers Association  will be supplied with minutes of our meetings.

However, if you have any issues or concerns relating to local government, regardless of your status, please contact us.

We are here to help and will do whatever we can to assist any resident, ratepayer or trader in our area, however we would be grateful for you showing your support by joining us. Membership is only $10 per person, per annum and all funds are used for your benefit.

Please feel free to email any of the dedicated committee members below by simply clicking on the email address of the person you wish to contact, or fill out the contact form and we will respond to your question.

WRA Executive Committee
President: Joan Kelson
Secretary: Brian Kelson
Treasurer: Christine Thompson